
About Koiya

One of the few manufacturers of Koinobori windsocks.

We are a manufacturer of "koinobori" windsocks founded in 1946.

In Japan, the fifth of May is called the “Tango no sekku,” a day to pray for children's growth. One of the decorations used on this day are the “koinobori” windsocks.

An ancient Chinese legend says that carps who can climb the Ryumon waterfall become dragons, and these decorations therefore symbolize the hope for children's success in life.

The "koinobori" windsocks are lucky items symbolizing healthy growth, social success, and the perpetuation of one's descendants, and their colorful patterns and design are typical of Japanese tradition.

Our company produces celebration items such as "koinobori" windsocks, "hinata" dolls (for display during the Girls' Festival), and "kabuto" dolls (for display during the Boys' Festival).

Although they are made out of cloth nowadays, "koinobori" windsocks used to be made out of "washi" Japanese rice paper.

Since 2016, we have been utilizing this manufacturing technique to sell goods themed around "koinobori" windsocks.

Company overview

Company name Murakami Koinobori Inc
Address 1764-2 Kawanoecho, Shikokuchuo-shi, Ehime 799-0101
President Masashi Murakami
Capital 10,000,000 JYP
Established August, 1946
Job description
  • Koinobori manufacturing and sales
  • 節句脇飾り製造・販売
  • 節句飾り販売
  • 鯉のぼり雑貨「こい屋」製品・製造・販売